Research Designed for Innovation & Strategy

Get Answers to Move Forward with Confidence


You are not alone if you…

  • are pursuing innovation or a new strategy

  • don’t have all the in-house resources you need 

  • think research will help you make better decisions

We’ve worked with other organizations just like you!

Here is how our process works:


Together, we align
to the right QUESTIONS.

We ensure the research will be actionable by unpacking your challenges and how it will be used in your organization.

Our team gets the ANSWERS through audience interviews and surveys.

We use a variety of methods to gather focused insights from the people you desire to better understand.

Together, we make those
insights ACTIONABLE.

We facilitate a workshop for you to truly understand what we learned AND how it can most impact your mission.


 Who we have helped get answers

While Boaz Research launched in January 2022, the team behind it has conducted best-practice market research for nonprofits over the past 12 years through Kumveka. Boaz Research was spun off to focus exclusively on market research. 

We have worked in areas ranging from education to missions to publishing.


 About Us

Boaz Research provides actionable insights to faith-driven leaders in the non-profit and for-profit space using best practices in market research. We deliver clear answers to your pressing questions so you can move forward with confidence.